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 AWS route53


Amazon Route 53 is a highly available and scalable Domain Name System (DNS) web service. Route 53 connects user requests to internet applications running on AWS or on-premises.

AWS service integration. Obviously, the tight integration of AWS Route 53 with CloudFront and S3, means it’s easy to route traffic to a static website hosted on S3 or generate custom domains for CloudFront URLs.

Alias records. An alias resource record can point directly to other resource records instead of an IP address, such as a CloudFront distribution, or an Amazon S3 bucket. This ensures traffic is sent to the correct endpoint even if the IP addresses of the underlying resources change.

Features of Route 53

Highly reliable − It is built using AWS infrastructure. Its distributed nature towards DNS servers help to ensure a consistent ability to route applications of end users.

Secure âˆ’ By integrating Route 53 with AWS (IAM), there is complete control over every user within the AWS account, such as deciding which user can access which part of Route 53.

Scalable − It is designed to automatically handles large volume queries without the user’s interaction..

Health Check: Route 53 monitors the health of the application. If an outage is detected, then it automatically redirects the users to a healthy resource.

Cost-Effective − Pay only for the domain service and the number of queries that the service answers for each domain.

Simplification âˆ’ AWS Route 53 Resolver lets you manage multiple VPCs using a single endpoint for a single region.

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1 comment:

  1. blank

    Great technical details on Route53. Learned an important topic


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